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We have four trained staff who use Aromacare to enhance our curriculum Offer the aims of this are:

  • To provide our children with a process for expressing their feelings and emotions
  • To support our children’s emotional health by helping them to experience a sense of calmness / joy
  • To develop and nurture emotional bonds with our children
  • To complement our other therapeutic approaches, e.g. Intensive Interaction, multisensory approaches, Special Yoga
  • To promote total communication; verbal/pre-verbal, listening and responding 


Aromatherapy in the curriculum

Aroma sensory story

The children showed a lot of amazement during our sensory Colour story. They were happy to look at and touch the different props. It was lovely to hear some of them repeating words or spontaneously commenting during the story.

Aromatherapy in the curriculum

Aromatherapy & Write Dance